Alright man introduce yourself.
My name is Feroze Rahman. I’m number two of the three musketeers of the skating Rahman brothers. I’m 26 and I’m a skateboarder.
Cool. First time we met was almost 3 years ago, right? How’ve you been since then?
I’m working in the airline industry now and I get to travel a lot. I was also travelling a lot when I was just skateboarding so I like the fact that both bring me places.
The thing that strikes me most is that you’ve obviously mellowed down since we last met back in 2013. What’s changed?
I think it’s just life. I’ve been through some life changing experiences the last two years, so, that and growing up I guess. Back then, I was abit childish and coming from a family of three skateboarding brothers, there was that need to be number one. I liked being number one because I want to be the best but now, I’m more relaxed. If it goes my way, it goes my way. Otherwise, it’s all good.
What do you mean by life changing experiences?
Work experience, relationship stuff, making new friends, having old friends grow up, some people not being there, some people being there, some people not being there physically but you know are there. I love that my job lets me see the world. Seeing more of the world changed me a lot, too. It’s allowed me to broaden my horizon and I’m no longer stuck in my perception of the lifestyle here. Other countries are just more laid-back and stress-free. I think it’s just Singapore lah, haha. Singapore is too stressful.
Which gets you the girls, being an air steward or being a skateboarder?
It’s all me. Nothing to do with being a skateboarder.
Who is the best among the brothers?
Me, of course! Haha I like to think it’s me, but we are all number one in our own ways.
You’ve had your fair share of dealing with haters in the scene since way back. Has that changed?
When I think back, I don’t blame them for hating on me. Maybe it’s my competitiveness or how opinionated I was. I’m used to being on the road and I see the level of skateboarding overseas and think that if our local scene doesn’t change, we’ll never progress like they do. I’ve mellowed down a lot because I’ve learnt to chill. The only opinion that matters now is that of myself and my close friends. I know I can’t please everyone.
Feroze Rahman gets ready to skate into that golden hour, Golden Mile Tower, Singapore, November 17th, 2016 All smiles, Golden Mile Tower, Singapore, November 17th, 2016 Skating into the sunset at Golden Mile Tower, Singapore, November 17th, 2016 Warm up stretches, Golden Mile Tower, Singapore, November 17th, 2016
What’s your favourite thing to skate and why?
I love rails. I love everything and I just don’t like it when someone is better than me. Especially my brother, Farris.
You guys started a skateboard company right?
Sotong actually started as a skate clique made up of a bunch of friends I grew up with. I was 22 back then and I wanted to start something of my own. We had guys from Australia, Netherlands, U.K., America and we all grew up together. We split up because of school and national service but Sotong was a way to stay connected. We’ve all grown up now but we still greet each other with a “What’s up, sotong!”
My brothers helped out too but I was doing most of the work. Looking back I’m still pretty proud that I had my own board company and it wasn’t all skating. Maybe one day, I’ll start it up again.
What was your motivation to do so?
Part of the thrill was also about giving back to the community. It’s a small one but they’ve been supportive and I want the kids to be able to afford boards and keep the business profitable enough to maintain itself. It’s great to be a brand that the locals can identify with.
It must be awesome getting to travel so much!
Who doesn’t want to see the world right? I get to bring my board along, visit these different places and catch up with friends from all over the world. You also grow up a lot in terms of appreciating life. What you take for granted in Singapore could be something precious to someone else in another country so you learn to be appreciative and thankful for your life. After spending some time in India, I thought to myself that as much as I’ve complained about Singapore, I’m so thankful to be born here. So, Thank You Mom and Dad for bringing me up here!
How often do you compete?
At one point, I was actually using prize money to pay for my school fees so I competed alot! Yeap, sorry haters. That’s why I was so competitive. I wasn’t being a sore loser, I was just trying to pay for my education! Haha! I hope you understand now.
So how often is “alot”?
At my peak, it was almost 10 a year but now only when I have the time because it’s hard to juggle work, growing up and saving money for my future family. I would say 4-5 a year is pretty good and I would try to win at least one. No wait, I’m Feroze, I try to win them all!
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
I honestly don’t know where I’ll be in 5 years but hopefully I’ll be a better person lah. Maybe a more accomplished guy? Who knows, I don’t but we’ll see. The future is never certain but I’m thankful for the path I’m on now.
Who are your sponsors?
I’ve been riding for Vans since like 2011? It’s been about 5-6 years with them and the support has been great. They’ve paid for my air tickets and hotel stays around the world and sponsored me with tons of their products like shoes. I only realize how much I save from that after hearing about my colleagues who go overseas and spend all their money on shoes. I’m like “Yo! I don’t have to pay for shoes” and I’m very thankful for that. Stance is another one of my sponsors. They are an awesome sock company in the U.S so shout out to Stance and Vans, you guys are the best! Oh yes, and my own company Sotong…