Going on a last minute island bikepacking adventure can be really fun; taking some time away from work, the neighbour’s noisy dog, the hustle and bustle of city life. However, your little quick escape can turn a little mucky if you don’t do the necessary prep work . Here are 5 quick an easy tips for planning a mini bikepacking getaway.

Tip 1: Bring enough food and water.
Pack accordingly to the number of days you’re travelling and the locations you’ll be going to.
You may not always have access to drinkable water sources therefore plan your water supply wisely. The same goes for your food as well; supermarkets may not be a guarantee therefore instant meals like noodles, porridge and quick oats are your best options. Canned foods like spam and baked beans are great too but do keep in mind that they can get a little heavy.
A good precaution to bear in mind as well, is to pack a little more than what you need. Accidents may happen along the way which may cause you to require more food and / or water.

Tip 2: Go Basic.
Only bring along the absolute essentials on your trip. The last thing you want is an unnecessarily heavy bike or a huge back pack which can cause back and hip pains. Bear in mind that hardcore bikepacking trips can cover anywhere from 60 – 200km per day, therefore you may be on your bike for more than 10 hours. Less is certainly more.

Tip 3: A Lightweight Tent saves your skin.
A good quality light weight tent would be your best bet for a good night’s sleep. Singapore is a tropical country, therefore expect hordes of sandflies and assume that it will rain everyday and every night.
After a long day on your bike, the best thing for any bikepacker is a good comfy sleep.

Tip 4: Waterproofing
Singapore rains an average of 167 days in a year. Therefore make sure you pack along loads of ziplock bags to keep everything nice and dry, especially your electronics, sleeping bags and clothes.
Also consider bringing along a hat if you’re myopic like me. It really sucks when your glasses are covered with rain droplets.

Tip 5: Plan your route and inform someone.
Plan your route and pitstops so that you don’t get lost. If you’re really unfamiliar with the area you’re heading to, follow someone else’s route. A simple google search can give you great suggestions and route ideas from people who have done it in the past.
Once you’ve got your route planned out, inform a close friend or the local park ranger of your trip; where you’re intending to camp, where and when you plan to end your trip and how many people you’re travelling with. This way, if something does happen out in the wild and you’re cut off from civilisation without a cell signal, someone will be looking for you.
BONUS TIP: Shit happens. Spare food is good.